Saturday, November 6, 2010

Veggie Tacoyaki - 1st try

My tacoyaki pan arrived a couple weeks ago. I wanted to test it out as soon as I had time to put my hands on it. XD

Tacoyaki Pan.

Brush and Pick

Ingredients and Sauces:

Japanese mayonnaise and Tacoyaki Sauce


Corn niblets, diced king oyster mushroom, veggie ham and cabbage

I pan fried veggie hams and mushroom first

Water + cake flour + baking powder

Add egg

All mixed together ready to go

Brush up the pan with oil, heat the pan on medium high heat. Fill about 1/3 full with the batter, add in a little of everything.

Fill it all up. Don't worry about the batter going all over the pan.

I watched some youtube videos before trying this out :P What they do is they cut the overflown batter when it is is semi-cooked. Or when you think it's hard enough.

Poke it with your pick and turn.

Then let the other side sit to cook for a bit.

All done :)

Add mayo, tacoyaki sauce and shredded seaweed on top :D

My first attempt was not the best. The proportion was off that it tasted too much of the flour, it was almost like eating pancakes. I will keep testing it out until I get it right and post the recipe up :) They were still good though, gone within minutes.


  1. Damn! I want the takoyaki pan and cooking set too!! Where ?!!!

  2. I tried looking for it at Daiso but no luck. I ordered online from here

    It's on sale right now and they ship internationally. I had someone bring it over for me though.

  3. Where did you get the veggie ham? I've never been able to find veggie *meat* products other than the average stuff at grocery stores!

  4. I usually go to T&T Supermarket, if you read my post here -

    or I go to Whole Vegetarian Food Inc. They have a few locations. I haven't gotten to write a post on it yet, sorry.
    Check out their website first -
